Oszer revisited |
© Gelu Lupaş 2010-04-08 |
Articole \ Toate
This is a series from the Cluj "Oszer" flea market. The place was moved to a new location a couple of years ago but otherwise hasn't changed much since the 80's. Muddy and slushy during winter, dusty during summer days. You can find here anything: second hand skis, used audio equipment, bicycles, an exhaust pipe for your 50cc bike, boho clothing, used golf balls, etc.
A foggy day, three bored cops and a bicycle.
Daddy needs a pair of skis.
Somebody needs an exhaust pipe.
A typical carriage.
Two men and a suspension pipe over the Someş river.
Muddy avenue.
Boho clothing.
The elderly man with the straw hat is advertising an old alarm clock. Some
objects found here are somewhat puzzling, for instance a soldier's beret with "no war" written on it in capitals, using a ballpoint pen.
Retro style leather shoes, 5 lei-a pair; this is the price you normally pay for a cup of coffee in a cafe.
Visitors are mainly using bicycles and public transportation to reach the Oszer. A large number of bicycles are lined up on the bridge every Saturday morning.
© Gelu Lupaş 2010-04-08
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